White Rose History: Volume I - Coming Together. January 31, 1933-April 30, 1942. By Ruth Hanna Sachs. DIGITAL VERSION ONLY.
This compelling volume combines an overview of Hitler's rise to power and increasingly harsh and antisemitic measures, with the reactions of the teenagers who later banded together to say NO!
Some like Hans and Sophie Scholl enthusiastically embraced the 'fresh new air' of National Socialism, while others like Willi Graf refused to goose-step from the beginning.
Their separate journeys to honor and justice led them to the same place at the same time: The University of Munich, in its darkest hour. Read how they overcame obstacles just to know another was there. How they laughed, danced, and loved, fought, lied, and deceived. They are us, the best of us and the worst of us. Like us, they failed on occasion - failed one another and failed themselves. But when it mattered most, they reached down and found the courage of their convictions.
Book is subtitled "The Unfinished Story" as some Gestapo transcripts remain blocked, Scholl Archives remain censored, and not all families have released their archives.
ISBN (digital version): 978-1-956508-07-9. 582 pages.