2025 calendar benefiting the Center for White Rose Studies.
Option 1) Standard 12-month wall calendar includes holidays for US, Canada, Germany, and Russia, plus all significant dates associated with White Rose resistance (birthdays, death dates, arrests, leaflet publication dates, and related). Color photos. Saddle-stitch. To order in quantity, please contact us.
Option 2) Daily planner features tabbed monthly/weekly calendars with plenty of space for your appointments and notes, and White Rose dates memorialized as shown above in Option 1. Comb-bound.
If you are a teacher or professor who specializes in Holocaust education, especially German resistance, you will want to have one of these calendars to help you remember.
ISBN for 12-month calendar, color photos, no White Rose dates: 978-1-956508-02-4. ISBN for 12-month calendar, B&W, with White Rose dates: 978-1-956508-04-8. ISBN for daily planner: 978-1-956508-03-1. Printed on acid-free paper. Made in the USA.
Ships in December 2024.