Transcription of Ruth Sachs' April 30, 1995 interview with Fritz and Elisabeth (nee Scholl) Hartnagel and interview with George ("Jürgen") Wittenstein in January 2001.
The "Protokolle" or transcripts of these interviews were sent to the respective interviewees for transcription approval.
Since recent books, interviews, and essays contradict some of the content of these two interviews - especially that of Wittenstein - Ruth Sachs felt it was important to get these documents out where other researchers could utilize them. If nothing else, a good tool in the historiography of White Rose scholarship and the ever-shifting sands of "White Rose" words.
The Hartnagel interview is provided in its original German, along with English translation. (Wittenstein interview was conducted in English.)
ISBN (print version): 978-0-9767183-3-8. Printed on acid-free paper. Ships in 10 business days until August 31, 2023. After that, ships in 24-48 hours.
ISBN (digital cersion): 978-1-956508-39-0.
Translation © 1995, 2001, 2005. Published in 2005.