English translation of Gestapo interrogation transcripts for Hans Scholl and Sophie Scholl. Translated by Ruth Hanna Sachs. ZC13267, Volumes 1-16. Complete set!
Contains all documents related to the Scholls in ZC13267. Sample list:
From Volume I, part 1 and part 2:
- Pre-arrest Gestapo memoranda
- Jakob Schmied's interrogation
- Reports regarding suspect Graf Metternich
- Investigations regarding typewriter
- Telex from M. Bormann
- List of evidentiary material
- Maria Berrsche's interrogation
- Gestapo status reports, February 19-20, 1943
- Prof. Harder's lengthy psychological analyses of White Rose dynamics and members
- Indictment of Hans Scholl, Sophie Scholl, and Christoph Probst
- Decree expelling Hans and Sophie Scholl from the university
- Trial "transcript", February 22, 1943
- Letter from Giesler to Bormann, February 19, 1943
From Volume II: Hans Scholl's interrogations and search of Scholls' residence.
From Volume III: Sophie Scholl's interrogations.
From Volume V: Crime lab reports and copies of leaflets.
From Volume VIII, X-XIV: Prison records, execution volumes, clemency petitions, trial expenses, disposition of evidence
ISBN-10 (print): 0-9710541-5-0.
ISBN 13 (print): 978-0-9710541-5-8.
ISBN (digital): 978-1-956508-49-9.
Print version is comb-bound, printed on acid-free paper. Made in USA. Turnaround time for print version: Two weeks.
Translation © 2002-2003.