Call for Papers
Initially, our Call for Papers focused solely on topics associated with White Rose resistance. As Exclamation! Publishers has grown, so has our CFP list. And, although matters related to resistance during the Holocaust remain under the umbrella of an Exclamation! Publishers-Center for White Rose Studies partnership, Center for White Rose Studies has also expanded its horizons, with its wish list encompassing far more than publications related to White Rose resistance.
If you are a high school student writing a term paper, a college student with a challenging honors project, a grad student who wants to introduce portions of your research in advance of dissertation, or find a publishing home for your thesis or dissertation on these subjects, or faculty (active or retired, full-time or adjunct) - that is, anyone who would like to contribute to scholarship along these lines - then we want you! (And same goes for non-academics who simply love research - I see you out there.)
Please: These lists are anything but exhaustive! If you have an idea you want to run by us, please contact us!
- Biographical - Specific to White Rose resistance. People of the White Rose whose lives and work have been given short shrift, and whose lives deserve unflinching documentation.
- Biographical - General Holocaust studies. Some of these people also appear on the list specific to White Rose resistance, but their sphere of influence extended far beyond the confines of that group of friends.
- Other resistance movements. White Rose was not the only resistance movement from 1933-1945.
- Interdisciplinary studies - Holocaust. Interdisciplinary studies, some related to White Rose, but all related to Holocaust studies.
- Non-fiction unrelated to Holocaust studies. Although our beginnings were in Holocaust studies, we have expanded our horizons.
Any of these topics may be addressed in the following formats:
- Short-short essays, less than 450 words. Will likely be used on the Center for White Rose Studies Web site, or in its newsletter.
- Short essay for our anthology, Leaflets of Our Resistance.
- Stand-alone white paper that would be published through our online store (see online store for ideas). 4,500 to 13,500 words.
- As a full book-length treatise. 13,500 to 150,000 words.
See submission guidelines for Holocaust education or for anthologies. [Under construction.]